Best magic trick of the year

That is until I
received an advanced copy of Jeff Kaylor's TKO 2.0 re-imagined toppit
utility device.
Jeff aside from being extremely humble, and friendly comes across as a perfectionist in his work. TKO 2.0
In an age where devices, and utilities are becoming more electronic like Mesika's Tarantula, and his latest incarnation The Spider Pen Pro. There is however, a higher amount of risk to a magician that has to rely on a device to perform as well as his training. And it's a risk that many do not want to apply in there working routines.
Customers pay a lot of money to hire a professional Magician, and they expect you to be at your best for there guests, and or potential clients. This is why Electronic magic devices are popular in social situations, but for the working Magician who wants to project professionalism and reliability, chooses to work with what they can rely on.
Customers pay a lot of money to hire a professional Magician, and they expect you to be at your best for there guests, and or potential clients. This is why Electronic magic devices are popular in social situations, but for the working Magician who wants to project professionalism and reliability, chooses to work with what they can rely on.
The Kaylor Option is simply one of the most revolutionary, and creative devices to hit the Magic community in as many years, as I can remember.
The TKO 2.0 is something they can always relay on, use for multiple routines, and you don't need a jacket or long sleeves. The result is vanishes that create an immediate impact to the laymen. Jeff Kaylor has really thought of it all, with this product. Not only can you vanish coins, but you can also retrieve coins with ease right in front of your spectators. There is also a card retrieval method that allows you to produce and retrieve cards on the spot.
Personally, I had been performing a 3" jumbo coin routine for many years, and after working with my personal unit. I have now found a way to use my TKO to produce my jumbo coin with ease. And it is less suspect then my previous method. This is what makes the TKO so special. It is continually elevating fellow Magicians existing routines as well as offering more possibility without the use of electronic devices that have a propensity to break at the wrong moment.
This is by far one of the most original and exciting magic related products devised in years this to me is not only trick of the year, but because of it's incredible diversity it could quite possibly be the magic utility device of the decade.
Check out the TKO 2.0 Video Demo product page for more informaion.
Available in Black or White
Personally, I had been performing a 3" jumbo coin routine for many years, and after working with my personal unit. I have now found a way to use my TKO to produce my jumbo coin with ease. And it is less suspect then my previous method. This is what makes the TKO so special. It is continually elevating fellow Magicians existing routines as well as offering more possibility without the use of electronic devices that have a propensity to break at the wrong moment.
This is by far one of the most original and exciting magic related products devised in years this to me is not only trick of the year, but because of it's incredible diversity it could quite possibly be the magic utility device of the decade.
Check out the TKO 2.0 Video Demo product page for more informaion.
Available in Black or White
What is your favorite Magic Trick this year? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.